Oo-tee-dee!! (Part II)

Got two more Jawa’s painted up. This time it is the Jawa Trader and Jawa Scavenger. When I glued my Jawa Scavenger to his new base I accidentally placed him a bit off center…so I decided to place some droid bits off to his side to fill in the empty spot. Used a leftover bit from General Grievous and the dome of one of the Astromech droids from the Eta-2 Actis-class Light Interceptor models.

I am still waiting to get a good price on the model of the Jawa on Ronto from the Alliance and Empire set…not planning on paying $9 + for this one, so I’ll sit back and wait.

2 Responses to “Oo-tee-dee!! (Part II)”

  1. Looking good Bots. There is also KotOR #42 Jawa Scout.
    $9 is a pretty decent price for a non-unique VR Ronto but if you wait long enough who knows. You could try trading for it too.

    • Thanks! 🙂
      Yeah, didn’t like that Jawa much…thought the sculpt was marginal, and I know I can do better than $9 if I bide my time…hehe.

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